Erasmus Digital-Empathy
About the project (2017 - 2019)
Our project is closely related to three horizontal priorities.
One of them is to improve digital learning in education. We want to support the use of ICT (Information and Communication Technologies), open education sources, flexible learning, virtual mobility and other innovative learning methods. We also want to encourage initiating progressive experiences in teaching and youth work. Our main elements in our project plan are the use of digital sources and communication instruments. The activities that we will carry out about especially understanding, accepting and enhance respect to immigrants will be achieved through ourusing these elements. We are of the opinion that our efforts about this issue bring forward an innovative solution proposal that can reduce our worries about immigrants.
Our second priority is that we have planned activities and experiences in order to gain the key competences in all educational fields involving linguistic and digital skills, basic and transversal competences. Our project support and promote foreign language use. It includes mobilities that will bring in new digital competencies. That is why we think that the priority is related to our project.
Our third priority is to support the innovative projects about the prevention of inequality in education, to broaden the involvement of people in education and to promote the participation of disadvantaged groups in society. In today’s world, digital media is often used, so ICT competences are of great importance to follow what is happening in the world. We want to develop empathy and destroy the prejudices towards the immigrants and refugees by getting them actively involved in our project - named “Digital Empathy”. We will achieve it with the help of "digital world" which is widely used in receiving news and communication in general today. In developing our students’ ICT and digital skills, we will utilize the products that are a result of activities encouraging empathy towards immigrants and refugees. Thanks to our project, we will destroy the prejudices about each other involving immigrants, understand and respect them, involve them in education and etc.
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